Thursday, 23 February 2017

Shamit Khemka on health benefits of Yoga in daily life

Shamit Khemka

Shamit Khemka, CEO of SynapseIndia, says “Yoga brings along with it wisdom and enlighten you from inside. It helps you to move forward in life and choose the right path to success.”

Shamit Khemka supports the health benefit of Yoga in daily life. SynapseIndia CSR activity includes promoting Meditation and Yoga camps not just across the nation but worldwide.

Friday, 17 February 2017

Shamit Khemka on his contribution to Yogamission Charity

Shamit Khemka, CEO of SynapseIndia, says “Yoga is a balancing factor across all your life. It gives you freshness, guides you and help you become a stable person in life.”

Shamit Khemka makes contribution to Yogamission, a Varanasi based charity. The charity is aimed at promoting Yoga as well as providing better education and living standards to underprivileged children.

Friday, 10 February 2017

Shamit Khemka on his CSR contribution

Shamit Khemka, founder of SynapseIndia, says “Conducting your business in a socially responsible way is good business. It helps you to create a positive brand image among your customers.”

As a part of his corporate social responsibility, Shamit Khemka recently distributed computers and winter clothing to International Chandramauli Trust in Varanasi. The trust is devoted to provide better living standards to underprivileged and needy children.

Friday, 3 February 2017

Shamit Khemka on importance of Yoga in daily life

Shamit Khemka, CEO of SynapseIndia, says “Yoga freshens and helps to attain mind, body and self balance. This can assist you to become a stable person in life.”

For promoting the health benefits of yoga, Shamit Khemka contributes to Yogamission trust in Varanasi which is dedicated to promote Yoga and ancient culture among current generation youths.